Over 80 million Sq. Ft. Installed Since 2011
Easily Prepare Your Project Base: Patios, Walkways, Retaining Walls, Artificial Turf, Athletic Courts and Decorative Rock Applications

Over 80 million Sq. Ft. Installed Since 2011
Easily Prepare Your Project Base: Patios, Walkways, Retaining Walls, Artificial Turf, Athletic Courts and Decorative Rock Applications
PaverBase is easier, faster and a better way to save you money and time.
PaverBase was developed by Brock and their shock pad, to reduce concussions under turf on all types of athletic fields. Brock partnered with Tim Newton who was a many years of expertise working with all the major retailer and big box stores selling concrete products (all paving stones, edgers, retaining walls) mulch, decorative rocks etc. PaverBase panel was launched in 2011 and is owner of the patents. Now there is a better way to prepare your project base without all the work. A 1” base for patios, walkways (using all paving stones), concrete overlays, Retaining wall applications (pillars, sitting walls, benches mailboxes), artificial turf and putting greens, decorative rock, sheds, Athletic courts (all sports) (foot traffic) and more.

The PaverBase Panel Advantage

PaverBase Applications: How To Installation Guides Available For All
New Project (Replacing grass/dirt)
Concrete Overlay (with and without expanding project size)
Pavers All Sizes
Paving Stones All Sizes
Porcelain Tiles 24” sq.
Natural Flagstone 16” x 20” approx.
Rubber Mats All Sizes
Wet Cast, Cobble Mats All Sizes
Natural Flagstone (Different thickness stones)
Wet Cast, Cobble Mats All Sizes
Hand Made Stones All Sizes
Stackable Retaining Walls
Pillars and Benches
Sitting Walls
Athletic Court Tiles and Decorative Stone/Rock
Bocce Ball
Paving Stones and Rock
Rock Pathways
Artificial Turf and Putting Greens
Artificial Turf
Putting Greens

Your Project Base
The Most Important Step!
Must Haves:
15 to 30 year or lifetime landscape fabric
All-Purpose leveling paver sand
PaverBase panels OR bag paver base
Edge restraint and spikes (hold paving stones)
Accessories (if needed):
Polymeric sand/all-purpose sand for paver gaps
Paver sealers
Concrete adhesive (stackable walls)
Helpful Hint
Do you need polymeric sand or not?